tappin logo - word 'tappin' with a period surrounded by black border
  1. Introduction
    1. Welcome
    2. Basics
    3. Factory
    4. Philosophy
  2. Reflection
    1. Overview
    2. Dynamic loading
  3. HTTP
    1. Overview
    2. Server
    3. Middlewares

Reflection overview

What is reflection?

Reflection allows a program to inspect itself and/or modify itself. Although reflection is a concept mostly related to programming languages, however is still useful in frameworks like Tappin.

For example, HTTP module uses reflection to detect all controllers/routes that have specific metadata.


Every service or a module can have some metadata. It is set using set function on ModuleDsl or ServiceDsl.

Using reflection

Reflection is accessed using reflectModule it is imported from reflect package. You inject reflectService with typings available in ReflectService interface.

ReflectService has three functions:

Name Purpose
getServices Gets all services. If predicate is specified, it will only get services matching the predicate.
getModules The same as above but for modules.
getRoot Gets root module of the application.

Example: Getting all services that have Symbol("discoverable") set to true

const discoverableKey = Symbol("discoverable");

const discoverableService = createService((dsl) =>
  dsl.set(discoverableKey, true)

const discoverer = createService((dsl) =>
    .provide((reflect: ReflectService) => {
      const discoverable = reflect.getServices((service) =>
        service.metadata.get(discoverableKey) === true

      return {