tappin logo - word 'tappin' with a period surrounded by black border
  1. Introduction
    1. Welcome
    2. Basics
    3. Factory
    4. Philosophy
  2. Reflection
    1. Overview
    2. Dynamic loading
  3. HTTP
    1. Overview
    2. Server
    3. Middlewares


The scope of core package

As you may already know, Tappin is split into packages(see basics for details).

Usually, packages would export a root module. However, there is a special package in Tappin - the core package.

Core package contains a createFactory function. It is responsible for attaching lifecycle hooks, initializing modules and services. That's it. The core package should do nothing more. That's the reason, why Tappin is so fast - it tries to keep abstractions minimal and yet easy-to-use.

A factory of factories of an abstract factory, yahoo!

Quite a long name for a section, huh?

In further chapters, you will find out that Tappin services themselves do not handle HTTP/WS requests. Instead, they return a handler which is registered only once. This allows to remove any Tappin middlewares from the chain and minimize overhead.


With this article, we've finally finished our Introduction section! In further chapters, we will discuss modules in more detail(HTTP, configuration, etc.).