tappin logo - word 'tappin' with a period surrounded by black border
  1. Introduction
    1. Welcome
    2. Basics
    3. Factory
    4. Philosophy
  2. Reflection
    1. Overview
    2. Dynamic loading
  3. HTTP
    1. Overview
    2. Server
    3. Middlewares


What is Tappin?

Tappin is a modern and powerful application framework for building fast and maintainable applications using Deno. It uses classless OOP in combination with dependency injection to produce maintainable and fast code.

Here is a quick example of Tappin in action:

import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/tappin/core/mod.ts";
import {
} from "https://deno.land/x/tappin/http/mod.ts";
import { reflectModule } from "https://deno.land/x/tappin/reflect/mod.ts";

const getRandomFactRoute = createGet("facts", (dsl) =>
    .provide(() => [
      () => {
        const facts = [
          "Dinosaurs were around millions of years ago!",
          "Dinosaurs were around in the Mesozoic Era or \“The Age of Dinosaurs.\”",
          "There were more than 700 species.",
          "Dinosaurs lived on all continents.",
          "The word dinosaur came from an English palaeontologist.",
          "One of the biggest dinosaurs was the Argentinosaurus.",

        return facts[Math.floor(Math.random() * facts.length)];

const dinosaursController = createModule((dsl) =>

const appModule = createModule((dsl) =>
    .service(httpStaticOptions({ port: 3000 }))

const factory = createFactory(appModule);

await factory.start();

At first, this may look overwhelming and barely readable. However, as time passes, you will get used to it and get most from Tappin.

Why Tappin?

There are a lot of HTTP frameworks for Deno - oak, Denotrain and others. A lot of people are using them, some are fast, some are customizable. However, none have ever solved the main issue - architecture.

Time has shown, that dependency injection is the solution - many enterprise frameworks like ASP.NET, NestJS, Spring had shown that it solves a lot of problems. Tappin follows "the DI" way but a bit differently.

In its core, Tappin is an advanced dependency container. It intializes a module. Module is a set of services which are identified by tokens. A module can import other modules. Services can inject other services and access what they provide using tokens. Behind a token, there can be any implementation. This implements dependency inversion principle.

In short, your application turns into a Lego set.

Getting started

The example above doesn't facilitate all power of Tappin.

Tappin comes with a simple yet powerful tool - Tappin CLI.

Create a new directory, cd in it and run this command:

$ deno run -A -r https://tappin.deno.dev new

And run this command to start dinosaurs application:

$ deno task start dinosaurs

Learn more

Go through the documentation. It will teach you all the basics and intermediates of Tappin.